1:1 period coaching, natural birth control, & cyclical awareness tools
I'm a Menstrual Cycle Coach, Functional Hormone Specialist and Fertility Awareness Educator
I journey with people to help them discover the power of their menstrual cycle as a health report card, solutions to their uncomfy period symptoms, and the tools to live in love with their bodies and cyclical selves.
Period pain is common, but it isn't normal. Yep, I said it. Pain is our bodies only way of communicating to you that it needs support.
I teach the Fertility Awareness Method, which is a side-effect free, hormone-free birth control with 99.6% effectiveness
Learning how to track biomarkers of fertility throughout your cycle can help you conceive effectively. I offer support to learn how!
to start learning about the patterns within each menstrual cycle, your unique cyclical rhythms & clues to your symptoms
An Introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method, a method of tracking the menstrual cycle for 99.6% effective contraception, conscious conception and health awareness.